Academic Journals
Thomas, A.M., Chapman, D.N., Rogers, C.D.F., Metje, N., Atkins, P.R. and Lim, H.M. (2008) “Broadband apparent permittivity measurement in dispersive soils using quarter-wavelength analysis”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 72, No. 5, 1401-1409.
Thomas A.M., Rogers C.D.F., Chapman D.N., Metje N. and Castle, J. (2008) "Stakeholder Needs for Ground Penetrating Radar Utility Location", Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 67, 345–351.
Metje, N., Atkins, P. R,. Brennan, M.J, Chapman, D.N., Lim, H.M., Machell, J, Muggleton, J. M., Pennock, S., Ratcliffe, J., Redfern, M. A., Rogers, C. D. F, Saul, A. J., Shan, Q., Swingler, S., Thomas, A. M. (2007). Mapping the Underworld – State-of-the-Art Review. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 22, n. 5-6, p. 568-586.
Rogers, C. D. F. (2006), Mapping the Underworld - Projekt Badawczy Pozwiecony Localizacji Infrastruktury Podziemnej, Inzynieria Bezwykopowa (Trenchless Engineering), Vol. 15, n. 3, p. 72-79.
Muggleton J. M. and Brennan, M. J. An Experimental Rig to Investigate Acoustic Methods for the Detection and Location of Underground Piping Systems. Applied Acoustics 69 (2008) 1101–1107
Thomas, A.M., Chapman, D.N., Rogers, C.D.F., and Metje, N. (2009) "Electromagnetic Properties Of The Ground: Part I - Fine-Grained Soils At The Liquid Limit", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (submitted manuscript).
Thomas, A.M., Chapman, D.N., Rogers, C.D.F., and Metje, N. (2009) "Electromagnetic Properties Of The Ground: Part II - The Properties Of Two Selected Fine-Grained Soils", Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (submitted manuscript).
Professional Journals
Rogers C. D. F., Thomas A. M., Metje N. and Chapman D. N. (2008). Mapping the Underworld - The UK Tackles a Global Problem. Trenchless Works, Issue 17, January
Rogers C. D. F., Thomas A. M., Metje N. and Chapman D. N. (2007). Underground Infrastructure: Assets or Obstacles. Water and Sewerage Journal. (Accepted for Publication).
Rogers CDF, Thomas AM, Metje N and Chapman DN (2007). Improved Detection of Underground Infrastructure – the Stakeholders’ Perspective. Water, Journal of the Australian Water Association, February, p.50-55.
Conference Papers
Jiang, W; Pennock, S.R.; Shepherd, P.R.; “A Novel W-MUSIC Algorithm for GPR Target Detection in Noisy and Distorted Signals”, Paper 3199, Proceedings of the IEEE 2009 Radar Conference, May 4-8, 2009, Pasadena, CA, USA
Pennock, S.R.; Shepherd, P.R; Redfern, M; “Ultra Wideband antenna designs for an integrated GPR and tomographic mapping system”, Paper 3.3, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, June 16-19, 2008, Birmingham, UK
Pennock, S.R.; Redfern, M; “A novel integrated GPR and tomographic mapping system for the location of buried utilities”, Paper 19.4 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, June 16-19, 2008, Birmingham, UK
Pennock, S.R.; Shepherd, P.R; Jiang, W; “Combined FFT and MUSIC algorithm signal processing technique for enhancing GPR target detection and resolution”, Paper 21.3 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, June 16-19, 2008, Birmingham, UK
Pennock, S. R. and Redfern, M. A. (2007) Ultra Wideband Antennas for In-Pipe Ground Penetrating Radar. Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2007), Edinburgh, 11-16 November 2007, p 1-5.
Shan Q, Pennock S. R, Redfern M. A. (2006). Investigation Configurations of GPR with Ray-Tracing Method. Proceedings of IEEE 2006 Radar Conference, Verona, USA, p335-341.
Shan Q, Pennock SR, Redfern MA (2006). GPR for Mapping the Underground. The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (2006 GPR), Ohio, USA, 19-22 June. p.
Pennock, S. R. and Redfern, M. A. (2006). Multihead Configuration for Ground Penetrating Radar and Depth Determination. The proceedings of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (2006 GPR), Ohio, USA, 19-22 June. p.
Maida A. W., Pennock S. R., Shepherd P. R. (2006). Detection and Resolution Enhancement of Closely Spaced Targets in Ground Penetrating Radar. The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (2006 GPR), Ohio, USA, 19-22 June. p.
Pennock S. R., Redfern M. A., Shan Q (2006). Subsurface Illumination and Propagation in Ground Penetrating Radar. Proceedings of The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation: EuCAP 2006 (ESA SP-626). 6-10 November 2006, Nice, France. Editors: Lacoste, H. and Ouwehand, L. (CD-ROM), p.757.1
Pennock, S. R. and Redfern, M. A. (2006). Optimising Multihead Configurations for Depth Determination in Ground Penetrating Radar. Proceedings of The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation: EuCAP 2006 (ESA SP-626). 6-10 November 2006, Nice, France. Editors: Lacoste, H. and Ouwehand, L. Published (CD-ROM), p.689.1
Pennock S.R., Shepherd P. R. (2006). Longitudinally Tapered Coplanar Waveguide UWB Antenna. Proceedings of The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation: EuCAP 2006 (ESA SP-626). 6-10 November 2006, Nice, France. Editors: Lacoste, H. and Ouwehand, L. (CD-ROM), p.237.1
Rogers, C.D.F., Chapman, D.N., Entwisle, D., Jones, L., Kessler, H., Metje, N., Mica, L., Morey, M., Pospíšil, P., Price, S., Raclavsky , J., Raines, M., Scott, H., Thomas, A.M. (2009) "Predictive Mapping of Soil Geophysical Properties for GPR Utility Location Surveys" Proceeding of the 5th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Granada, Spain, May 27-29, p. 60-67.
Metje, N., Rogers, C. D. F., Chapman, D. N., Thomas, A. M., Parker, J. (2008). Minimising Streetworks Disruption by Mapping the Underworld. ASCE International Pipeline Conference 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, 22 – 27 July. (accepted).
Rogers, C. D. F., Zembillas, N., Metje, N., Chapman, D. N. and Thomas, A. M. (2008) “Extending GPR Utility Location Performance - The Mapping The Underworld Project”, Proceedings of GPR08 the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, 15-19 June.
Thomas, A.M., Yelf, R., Gunn, D.A., Self, S., Chapman, D.N., Rogers, C.D.F. and Metje, N. (2008) The Role of Geotechnical Engineering for Informed GPR Planning and Interpretation in Fine-Grained Soils. Proceedings of GPR08 the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, 15-19 June.
Thomas, A. M., Gunn, D. A., Nelder, L. M., Burrows, M. P. N., Metje, N., Rogers, C. D. F. and Chapman, D. N. (2008). Electromagnetic Characterisation of a Victorian Railway Embankment Fill Material. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-4 April. 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization (BOOK Keynote papers (258 pages) and CD-ROM full papers (1508 pages), p.
Rogers, C. D. F., Zembillas, N., Thomas, A. M., Metje, N. and Chapman, D. N. (2008) Mapping the Underworld - Enhancing Subsurface Utility Engineering Performance. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 13 – 17 January. (DVD)
Thomas A. M., Rogers C. D. F., Metje N. and Chapman D. N. (2007). Soil Electromagnetic Mapping for Enhanced GPR Utility Location. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Trenchless Installation of Utilities, No-Dig 2007, Rome, Italy, 10th-12th September. (CD ROM).
Thomas A. M., Rogers C. D. F., Metje N and Chapman D. N. (2007). A Stakeholder Led Accuracy Assessment System for Utility Location. Proceeding of the 4th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Naples, June 27-29. p. 272-277
Thomas A. M., Metje N, Rogers C. D. F. and Chapman D. N. (2006). Underground utility infrastructure: improving sustainability through improved detectability – the stakeholders’ perspective. Proceedings of the 24th International No-Dig Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane, Australia, 29th October-2nd November. (CD ROM).
Lim, H. M. and Atkins, P. R. (2006). A Proposal for Pipe Detection Using Low Frequency Electric Field. Proceedings of Railfound 06, 1st International Conference on Railway Foundations, Birmingham, UK, 11-13 September, p. 84-93.
Thomas A. M., Lim, H. M.., Metje N., Rogers C. D. F., Chapman D. N. and Atkins, P. R. (2006). The Complexity of GPR Data Interpretation in Railway Foundation Surveys. Proceedings of Railfound 06, 1st International Conference on Railway Foundations, Birmingham, UK, 11-13 September, p 48 – 61.
Rogers C. D. F., Chapman D. N. and Metje N. (2006). Mapping the Underworld – UK Utilities Mapping. Proceedings. of the 11th International Conference. on Ground Probing Radar (GPR2006), Ohio, USA, 19-22 June. (CD ROM)
Thomas A. M., Metje N., Rogers C. D. F. and Chapman D. N. (2006). GPR Interpretation as a Function of Soil Response Complexity in Utility Mapping. Proceedings. of the 11th International Conference. on Ground Probing Radar (GPR2006), Ohio, USA, 19-22 June. (CD ROM)
Rogers C. D. F. (2006). Powering Urban Developments - Utility Mapping Needs for Trenchless HV Cable Installations. Keynote paper to ENGINEERING 2006 - 4th International Conference on Trenchless Technology and Tunnelling, Krakow, Poland, June. (CD ROM)
Muggleton J. M. and Brennan, M. J, (2006). The Use of Acoustic Methods to Detect And Locate Underground Piping Systems. Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, 17-19 July, Southampton, UK, p.
Atkins P.R., Brennan M.J., Chapman D.N., Lim H.M., Machell J., Metje N., Muggleton J.M., Parker, J., Pennock S., Ratcliffe J., Redfern M., Rogers C.D.F., Saul A.J., Shan Q., Swingler S., Thomas A.M. (2008) "Mapping the Underworld: Review and Progress", UKWIR Report Ref. No. 08/WM/12/21.
Metje, N. (2006) Mapping the Underworld (MTU). Article submitted both in German and English. UNITRACC. (
Rogers C.D.F., Thomas A.M., Metje N., Chapman D.N., (2007). Improved Detection of Underground Infrastructure – the Stakeholders’ Perspective. Water, Journal of the Australian Water Association, February, p. 50-55.
Rogers C.D.F., Thomas A.M., Metje N., Chapman D.N., (2007). Underground Infrastructure: Assets or Obstacles, Going Underground, Issue 4, pp. 17 – 19.
Rogers C.D.F., Thomas A.M., Metje N., Chapman D.N., (2008). Mapping the Underworld - The UK Tackles a Global Problem", Trenchless Works, Issue 17, January 2008.
Rogers, C.D.F., Royal, A., Chapman, D.N., Hunt, D., Jefferson, I., Lombardi, D., Metje, N., Thomas, A., (2008). Mapping the Underworld. Trenchless World, Issue 12, pp.16 – 18.
Rogers C.D.F., Thomas A.M., Metje N., Chapman D.N., (2008). "Mapping the Underworld - The UK Tackles a Global Problem", Trenchless Works, Issue 17, January 2008.
Rogers CDF, Thomas AM, Metje N and Chapman DN (2007). "Improved Detection of Underground Infrastructure – the Stakeholders’ Perspective". Water, Journal of the Australian Water Association, February, p. 50-55.
Rogers, C.D.F., Grant, S.A., Thomas, A.M., Chapman, D.N. and Metje, N. (2008) "Shaping the Future of GPR Soils Research: Report on the first US Army workshop on soil spectroscopy research", Mapping the Underworld, Birmingham, UK.
Atkins P. R., Brennan M. J., Chapman D. N., Lim H. M., Machell J., Metje N., Muggleton J. M., Parker, J., Pennock S. R., Ratcliffe J., Redfern M. A., Rogers C. D. F., Saul A. J., Shan Q., Swingler S., and Thomas A. M. (2008) Minimising Street Works Disruption: Mapping the Underworld Sensor Technologies, Review and Progress. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, Report Ref. No. 08/WM/12/21.
Parker, J. M. (2008). - Minimising Street Works Disruption: Data Integration and Display - Mapping the Underworld Seminar April 17th 2007. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, Report Ref. No. 08/WM/12/22.
Parker, J. M. (2008). Minimising Street Works Disruption: Mapping Technologies for Buried Asset Location - Mapping the Underworld Seminar September 14th 2006. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, Report Ref. No. 08/WM/12/20.
Parker, J. M. (2007). Minimising Street Works Disruption – Sensors for Buried Asset Location. Mapping the Underworld Seminar April 26th 2006. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, Report Ref. No. 07/WM/12/15.
Thomas, A.M. (2007) "Outcome of the ORFEUS Questionnaire", Report 07/WM/12/18, UK Water Industry Research Limited, London.
Presentation at all VISTA progress meetings with 23 partners.
ICE Geospatial Engineering Board
LHAUC Expo 2006 and 2007
Presentations at the No Dig conferences (Brisbane 2006, Rome 2007)
International Trenchless Technology Research Colloquia (Delft, September 2005; Sydney, Australia, October 2006; Rome September 2007) – colloquia attended by researchers and users of research)
Seminar at Queens University, Kingston, Canada (December 2006)
Keynote Paper to International Association of Engineering Geologists Quadrennial Conference by Rogers (Nottingham, September 2006 covering this and other projects)
Water Industry Forum on ‘Minimising Street Works Disruption’ (July 2006)
Poster presentation at the British Tunnelling Society – Research Showcase, London, UK (June 2006)
UK / Canada Geotechnical Research Seminar, Belfast (May 2006)
Presentation at the World Tunnelling Congress and the Centre for Quality Research in Construction (April 2006)
‘Utility Connections – Improving Efficiency’ on (Feb 2006) to SBGI and SBWWI
Cambridge / MIT Workshop on Smart Infrastructure Wireless Sensor Networks (Feb 2006)
US TRB Annual Conference (Jan 2006)
two committee meetings
two workshops
Saul A J (2006) Research of the Pennine Water Group, Invited Lecture, University of Queensland, Brisbane, April.
Saul A J and Machell J M. (2006). Mapping the Underworld. Presentation to Senior Managers at Yorkshire Water Services, Bradford, April
Saul A J (2006) Some UK aspects of flood risk and asset management in the urban areas. Presentation to Dutch Embassy, Rotterdam, May.
Saul A J, Machell J M and Unwin D M (2006) Mapping the Underworld in the UK, Presentation to Japanese Geophysical Society, Kyoto, June.
Saul A J (2005) Mapping the Underworld. Presentation at UKWIR Technology Transfer Workshop, UKWIR, London, November
Saul A J (2004) Whole Life Costs in Sewerage. EPSRC Technology Transfer Workshop, ICE London, November
Metje N, Rogers C D F, Chapman D N, Thomas A M and Parker J M (2008), "Minimizing Streetworks Disruption by Mapping the Underworld", Proceedings of Pipelines 2008, American Society of Civil Engineers, Atlanta, 22nd – 25th July (CDROM).
Rogers, C.D.F., Zembillas, N., Metje, N., Chapman, D.N. and Thomas, A.M. (2008) “Extending GPR Utility Location Performance - The Mapping The Underworld Project”, 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, UK, June 16-19 (CDROM).
Rogers, C.D.F., Zembillas, N., Thomas, A.M., Metje, N. and Chapman, D.N. (2008) "Mapping the Underworld - Enhancing Subsurface Utility Engineering Performance", Transportation Research Board 87th Annual meeting, Washington D.C., January 13 – 17.
Thomas, A.M., Yelf, R., Gunn, D.A., Self, S., Chapman, D.N., Rogers, C.D.F. and Metje, N. (2008) “The Role of Geotechnical Engineering for Informed GPR Planning and Interpretation in Fine Soils”, 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, UK, June 16-19 (CDROM).
Thomas, A.M., Gunn, D.A., Nelder, L.M., Burrows, M.P.N., Metje, N., Rogers, C.D.F. and Chapman, D.N. (2008). "Electromagnetic Characterisation of a Victorian Railway Embankment Fill Material", 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, Taipee, Taiwan, April 1-4.
Thomas AM, Rogers CDF, Metje N and Chapman DN (2007). “A Stakeholder Led Accuracy Assessment System for Utility Location", Proceeding of the 4th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Naples, June 27-29, p.272-277.
Thomas AM, Lim HM, Metje N, Rogers CDF, Chapman DN and Atkins PR (2006). "The Complexity of GPR Data Interpretation in Railway Foundation Surveys". Proc. of RailFound 06, 1st International Conference on Railway Foundations, Birmingham, UK, 11th -13th September, p. 48-61.
Thomas AM, Metje N, Rogers CDF and Chapman DN (2006). “Ground Penetrating Radar Interpretation as a Function of Soil Response Complexity in Utility Mapping”. Proc. of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 19-22. (CD ROM).